Elena Anosova
Polite Fish cover

Polite fish” is a phe­nomenon and an attrib­ute often met in Asian cul­ture– a situ­ation when two abso­lute oppos­ites are forced to inter­act and in that forced inter­ac­tion show both utmost polite­ness and act with extreme cau­tion.
Russian-Chineese bor­der extends for over 4000 kilometers.

Elena Anosova

Elena Anosova spent 2 months liv­ing and work­ing in three Rus­sian female penal colon­ies, explor­ing the inner world of the inmates based on her own child­hood exper­i­ences of liv­ing in a closed rehab­il­it­a­tion school. The res­ult is a strik­ing series called ‘Sec­tion’ that reveals how being in con­fine­ment and under con­stant sur­veil­lance dis­fig­ures and trau­mat­ize a person.

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salt images - photo agency