
Misha Friedman

All Fea­tures

Misha Fried­man
Lyudmila and Natasha

For his new col­lec­tion of pho­to­graphs, Lyud­m­ila and Nata­sha, Fried­man trains his lens on a gay couple liv­ing in Saint Peters­burg, offer­ing a series of intim­ate snap­shots of their rela­tion­ship as it unfolds over the course of a year.

Misha Fried­man
The New York Times

For the past sev­eral months, through a series of pho­to­graphic por­traits, the pho­to­grapher Misha Fried­man set out to explore the unique and often strange ways people in Rus­sia think and feel about the motherland.

Misha Fried­man
Two Sides of Sochi

Sochi dur­ing the Olympic games

Misha Fried­man
The World’s Highest Ranking Chess Champions

Chess cham­pi­ons Viswanathan Anand vs Mag­nus Carlsen

Misha Fried­man
A dress rehearsal.

Back­stage in Bolshoi Theatre. Bolshoi dan­cers are pre­par­ing for a reg­u­lar per­form­ance of romantic Coppélia

Misha Fried­man
Screen shot 2013-02-07 at 12.55.44

Like threads of DNA spiral­ing in lad­der form­a­tion, Russia’s reli­ance on cor­rup­tion for its basic func­tion­ing is both com­mon­place and breath­tak­ing. Start­ing this pro­ject, I knew I did not want the aggress­ive expres­sions of it; I could avoid osten­ta­tious nightclubs, would not need to listen at key­holes, nor to sniff out con­nec­tions with crim­in­als. Really, all I needed was Rus­sia itself.

Misha Fried­man

Tuber­cu­losis is still a very deadly dis­ease – espe­cially in the former Soviet Union. The num­ber of patients with very dif­fi­cult to treat forms of tuber­cu­losis is grow­ing stead­ily in that part of the world. Offi­cials from health organ­iz­a­tions say it is an epi­demic and it is not slow­ing down. More and more patients are found to have the non-treatable form of tuberculosis

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