Salt Images (SI) is an inde­pend­ent pho­to­graphy Agency based in Moscow.

It was estab­lished in 2011 by Maria Zakhar­ova and Anna Zekria.

Being a ded­ic­ated sales team for pho­to­graph­ers as well as a per­sonal and dynamic ser­vice for cli­ents, SI was designed to set up and main­tain solid and suc­cess­ful photographer-to-client relationships.

Fea­tur­ing unique image archive with selec­ted stor­ies and essays, SI pro­duces pho­to­graphy pro­jects for the media, cor­por­a­tions, advert­ising & PR agen­cies, design stu­dios, non-profit organ­iz­a­tions etc.

We are pas­sion­ate about pho­to­graphy and com­mit­ted to intro­duce it to cli­ents com­ing from vari­ous fields. Hence our pool of pho­to­graph­ers con­sists of both aspir­ing and mature authors who share high pro­fes­sion­al­ism and excep­tional pho­to­graphic vision.

The Agency’s assets include an impress­ive data­base of friendly freel­ance and organ­iz­a­tions cap­able of provid­ing addi­tional ser­vices such as loc­a­tion scout­ing, fix­ers, inter­pret­ers, make-up artists, styl­ists etc. If we do not have it imme­di­ately upon request, we at SI will def­in­itely know where to find it.

We wel­come port­fo­lio and story sub­mis­sions from pho­to­graph­ers around the World.


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salt images - photo agency